Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Fir-aun went home and told the whole story to his wife. She replied: "You should sacrifice your life for
such promises".
"This conversation is the detailed description of many favours, which are like the text,
So you should quickly acquire those favours and never leave them.
The crop is ready for the harvest and it is most beneficial
Up to now all the time that has passed by went by without benefit".
She said this and began to cry bitterly. Then she again was filled with vigour and said: "Be blessed, 0
bald-headed one. The Sun has become your crown. Nabi Moosa (A.S.) has hidden your evil deeds and
now wishes to give you a wealth of inner treasure. The fault of a bald-headed one can be hidden by a
simple hat, but your faults Allah wishes to cover through the crowl( of His Mercy. 0 Fir-aun, my advise to
you is this: Do not wait for consultation. You should have accepted that invitation to embrace Islam in
that very gathering. The offer that Nabi Moosa (A.S.) gave you is not of an insignificant nature, that you
should search for advise. It is such a thing that if it was placed before a creature of high rank like the~
Sun, it would immediately and willingly come from the heavens to the earth to accept it. Do you realise
what a promise this is and do you realise what a gift this is? 0 Fir-aun, this is such a mercy from Allah as
was the mercy that came to Iblees. It is not Allah's way to treat a rebellious and unjust one like you with
such kindness.
I am surprised that on seeing this kindness, you don't burst open out of pleasure and satisfaction. I am
surprised that you are still intact. If your gallbladder had burst open out of pleasure and satisfaction, you
would have received reward in both worlds - a good name in this world and salvation in the hereafter.
Moulana Rumi (RA.) says that whosoever's gallbladder bursts open with sorrow or pleasure and dies, is a
martyr (Shaheed) and will enjoy the benefits of both worlds. Moulana Rumi (RA.) further says: "When evil
ones confront saintly ones, they try to change the saintly ones to their line of thinking and ways. When
the saintly ones refuse to change, they begin to cause them injury and hurt. The Angels will take up the
tears of the
saints in their mouths and on their wings and Allah will weigh them in similar fashion and to the same
extent as He values the blood of the martyrs.
Hazrat Aasiya (RA.) told Fir-aun:
"O Fir-aun! Do not doubt or hesitate! Give of yourself one drop
And in return acquire from the Messenger of Allah a whole ocean".
(In other words, bend down your self and avoid all pride and become honoured with Allah's nearness).
"Allah! Allah! Why do you delay in accepting the invitation?
This is-great sympathy for you that the sea is itself calling for you with such insistence.
Quickly sell yourself into the hands of the ocean which invites you.
Quickly run and seek the ocean.
It is an ocean of Mercy and not any insignificant little stream.
If you are without hands and feet and unable to reach the ocean of your own accord,
Place yourself into the obedience of Moosa (A.S.), become a ball for Moosa (A.S.) and he will become
your feet.
O Fir-aun, do not doubt the promises he made to you
And do not consider them to be mere deception.
Allah! Allah! Come forward to acquire those bountiful favour quickly .
And do not become destroyed through wrong conceptions.
And when Allah Himself is seeking you out, do not hesitate or delay
As far as is possible, hurry up and bend your heart before Allah.
Allah! Allah! Quickly start making righteous deeds
And become happy through the glad tidings coming to you.
Allah! Allah! For how much longer are you going to be rebellious?
And for how long are you to keep your neck high in arrogance?
Allah! Allah! When that Allah is making you ashamed of your sins
Therefore give thanks to Him.
Allah! Allah! When Allah through His Grace gives you the path
towards Him Then bend down your neck in submission to Him.
Allah! Allah! a Fir-aun, see how in spite of your blasphemy He still accepts you,
Is this favour and gift not something to be greatly appreciated?
All Graceful favours are nothing in the face of His Grace Because an earthly being reaches up to the
Seventh Heaven
And a human being can become angelic.
O Fir-aun who can get such a market,
Where in exchange for one rose a whole bed of roses is given?
Who can find such a market where in exchange for one seed,
A hundred trees is given and for one seed numerous ears of corn?"
Hearing all this from Aasiya (RA.), Fir-aun said: "All right, I shall now consult with my Chief Minister,
Hazrat Aasiya (RA.) said to him: "Do not tell him about this. Do not consult with him because he is not fit
to be consulted. How can a blind one appreciate the Royal Falcon?" But Fir-aun did not listen to her and
proceeded to consult with Haamaan.
Moulana Rumi (RA.) says: "The consultant of an unsuitable one is himself unsuitable". For this reason
Rasulullah used to consult with Hazrat Abu Bakr who was a suitable consultant while Abu Jabl used to
consult with Abu Lahab. Every person consults with someone similar to himself.
So when Haamaan heard the story from Fir-aun, he leaped, jumped about and in sorrow he tore his
garment to pieces. He made a big noise, and starting to cry aloud, throwing his turban on the ground
he said: "Alas, Moosa (A.S.) has insulted you, my sire. You are after all such that the whole universe is
submissive to you. From the East and the West everybody brings their tribute to you. Kings and Rulers
willingly kiss the dust of your house. He has degraded you greatly. You are the one to whom the whole
world prostrates and whom they all worship. And yet you want to listen to him and become an ordinary
slave. You being Lord, now want to consult with me about becoming a slave of another slave. In my
opinion it is better for you to be burnt in a thousand fires than to be insulted and degraded like this. If
you are going to accept the invitation to embrace Islam, then kill me first, so that I do not see this insult
to you with my eyes. Strike my neck quickly so that I do not see that sight, that heaven should become
earth or that a God should become a slave. In other words, that our slave should become our Master
and we become his slave",
Moulana Rumi (RA.) at this stage rebukes Haamaan saying: "O Haamaan, You rejected one, how many
governments were there not in this world, stretching from east to west, but today there is no sign of
them left on this earth? It seems today, as if they never existed. Even the east and the west will not
remain forever. So how can they
keep others to remain?"
"This pride and arrogance in Haamaan was a poisonous killer
And from such poisonous drink he was drunk and became foolish".
Through this advise of Haamaan, Fir-aun declined to accept the truth and thereby handed himself over
to everlasting disgrace and punishment. May Allah save us all from arrogance and pride and the
rejection of truth, Ameen.
When Fir-aun came under the influence of Haamaan's misleading deceit and rejected Nabi Moosa's
(A.S.) invitation, Nabi Moosa (A..S.) said to him: "We have been very generous and graceful to you, but it
is not in your good fortune to accept it. So what is there that we can do?"
(Extract From Ma'arif e Mathnavi)
Posted by tmalya at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Nabi Moosa (A.S.) said to Fir-aun: "Accept my one plea to you and be blessed with four bounties".
Fir-aun asked: "What is your one plea?"
Nabi Moosa (A.S.) said: "Announce publicly that there is no God save Allah. He is the creator of the
heavenly bodies on high and the stars. Here on earth, He is the creator of men, Shaytaans, linn and
animals. He is also the creator of mountains, the oceans, the forests and the deserts. His Kingdom is
unlimited and He is without equal
and without a likeness. He is the watcher over every person and supervisor over every place in the
universe. He grants sustenance to every living being. He is the keeper of the heavens and the earth. He
creates flowers in plants and is aware of the inner secrets of the hearts of men. He is the Ruler over the rebellious ones and the punisher of them. He is King over every King. His is the right to rule with
authority. And whatever He wishes, He does. No one can oppose Him.
Fir-aun listened to all this and asked: "What are the four things that I will receive in exchange for that?
Perhaps the promise of those things will cause my belief to become weak and through my acceptance
of Islam the locks of unbelief of numerous other souls may be broken and they will also embrace Islam.
Perhaps through these things our land may become green and fertile with the true knowledge of Allah.
Quickly tell me what those four things are, for it is possible that the door towards my Hidaayat will open
Nabi Moosa (A.S.) then through the command of Allah started mentioning to him the four promises. He
said to him: "If you embrace Islam, you will remain in good health always and will never become sick.
You will continue to be desirous of death. (In other words, in accepting Islam you will have formed such
a close contact with Allah that through it you will see the prospects of such a treasure, that you will in
expectancy thereof make all your selfish desires become subject and subordinate to the pleasure and
wishes of Allah. You will be prepared to exert yourself spiritually to such an extent that you will even be
prepared to sacrifice your life. If in someone's house there is a treasure buried, that person will willingly
and with pleasure be prepared to break down that house to get to the treasure. So also the true lovers
and seekers after Allah will be prepared to destroy their lustful desires, in order to attain the pleasure of
Allah and close contact with Him. After this destruction, the great bounty and favour they acquire is the
envy of the whole world. It is only after one tears away the clouds of desire, that the true light of the sun
shines through).
O Fir-aun, just as the worms attacking the vine's green leaves deprive the plants of producing grapes, so
also does this despicable world make you busy with the pleasures of the flesh. But when Allah's bounty
and favour prevails, then you will become wakeful and aware and discard the worldly pleasures and
become busy with the truth. The result will be that every vein and fibre of yours will be filled with the
remembrance of Allah and you will become endowed with the character of Allah.
The third promise is this: At the moment you have one Kingdom at your disposal but after embracing
Islam, you will have two Kingdoms. The Kingdom you now possess was given to you in the time when
you were rebelling against Allah. You can imagine that in your state of obedience to Him what great
gifts you will receive. If you had received so much during the time when you were an unjust one against
His commands, how much will be your prize for obeying Him?
The fourth thing that you will receive is that you will remain forever young and your hair will remain
black. This is but an insignificant bounty in my opinion. It is granted like the promise to a small child to
whom the promise is made: "If you go to the Madrassa, I will give you a walnut". In actual fact, in
comparison with the knowledge that the child is to receive by going to Madrassa, the walnut is
Listening to these promises, Fir-aun's heart became inclined to Islam to a certain extent. He said: "All
right, I shall consult with my wife". ,
He then went to his house to consult with his wife Aasiya (R.A.), who gave him some sound and
wonderful words of advise as Moulana Rumi (RA.) explains in the following chapter.
(Extract From Ma'arif e Mathnavi)
Posted by tmalya at 11:20 PM 0 comments