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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Strong Relationship Between Sins And Their Punishments In The Hereafter

We are very cautious while talking within the range of a recorder(we choose every word with care and select minutest details carefully)because we are afraid lest we should say something which we would not like to tell the person who is going to play back the recorder and listen to it.Moreover,we know that once the recorder is played,we will not be able to deny the statement recorded therein,as it is believed that the tape recorder records exact words,and it never happens that the speaker should say one thing and the machine should record another.Similarly,while commiting deeds,we should bear in mind that whatever we do in this world is being preserved in the Barzakh and,on a certain day,no excuse or clever exdpedient will absolve us of our sins.Nor shall we be able to deny having commited these deeds.If one develops this consciousness(i.e the awareness of one’s deeds being projected to the Barzakh,like the knowledge of the spoken word being recorded in the recording machine),one will,while commiting a sin,feel like a person abusing the king before a tape-recorder will played back in the presence of the king.Let ue take another clear example.The growth cycle of a tree has three phases:
1)the planting of the seeds in the ground;
2)the sprouting of the seed into a tiny plant and;
3)the plant growing into a full-fledged tree laden with flower and fruit.
Every sane person can see that the last two phases of the growth of a tree,its sprouting,coming in flower and bearing fruit,depend entirely on the first phase;i.e planting of the seed.
Similarly,commiting a deed in this world is analogous to sowing seeds in the ground;the reflection of these deeds into Barzakh is similar to seeds sprouting into tiny but promising plants and finally,their effects appearing in the Hereafter can be compared to the trees coming in flower and bearing fruit.
Extract from Jazaa Ul A’maal by Hakeemul Ummat,Hazrat Maulana Asyraf Ali Thanvi Rahimahullah