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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Lecture of Hadhrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu

Hadhrat Ja'far bin Muhammad reports from his grandfather that Hadhrat Ali
Radiyallahu Anhu once accompanied a funeral procession. When the deceased was lowered
into the grave, the family started to weep loudly. "What makes you weep?" he
asked. "By Allaah!" he continued, "If people could witness what the deceased has
witnessed, the sight would make them forget all about the deceased. The angel
of death will return to them time and time again until he leaves none of them
Hadhrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu then stood up and said, "0 Servant of Allaah! I emphatically
advise you to be conscious of that Allaah Who has cited s o many examples for
you (to make you understand realities) and has specified the periods you are to
live. He has granted you ears s o that whatever enters them may be memorised
and granted you eyes s o that whatever is hidden can become apparent to you.
Allaah has also granted you hearts to understand the mechanics of whatever
misfortunes strike it and to understand that which gives life to it (Allaah's
Dhikr). Allaah has neither created you in vain nor diverted the Reminder (the
Qur'aan) from you. On the contrary, He has honoured you with a shower of
munificent bounties and granted you the best of gifts most generously.
Allaah has full knowledge of your numbers and has prepared returns for your
every condition of prosperity and adversity. 0 servants of Allaah! You must
therefore inculcate Taqwa, earnestly apply yourselves to seeking (the pleasure of
Allaah) and hasten to do good deeds before the arrival of that which destroys
passions and demolishes all desires (death). This is necessary because the
bounties of this world are short-lived and one is never safe from the sudden
disasters of this world. In addition to this, the world is also deceptive,
ever-changing, a paltry shelter and a shaky support. Things of this world quickly
become old and after tiring out a person with his passions, it feeds him only
the milk of deception.
Dear servants of Allaah! Take heed from the lessons you learn and from the signs
and indications you observe. Hearken to warnings and take benefit from advices.
It is almost as if the talons of death have dug themselves in to you and the home
of sand has enveloped you. It is almost as if the most frightening scenes have
taken you by surprise when the trumpet is sounded, when graves are emptied,
when people are led to the plains of resurrection and made t o stand for
reckoning under the complete authority of the Almighty. Every soul will then
have an angel to push him along to the Plains of Resurrection and also a
witness to testify against him for the actions he carried out. The earth will then
be illuminated by the light of its Rabb, records of deeds will be presented (to the
people), the Ambiyaa and witnesses will be brought forward and without anyone
being wronged, all matters will be decided with justice.
Cities will shake on that day, a crier will make the announcement, people will
meet (with Allaah), the 'shin' will be exposed(') and the sun will eclipse. Wild
animals will be gathered together on the plains, secrets will be exposed, the evil
ones will be destroyed and hearts will tremble. Allaah shall inflict the people of
Jahannam with devastating fear and a terrible punishment. Jahannam will be
brought forward (for all to see) along with its hooks, yokes, frightening screams,
thunderous roars, fury and threats. Its flames will be leaping, its waters will be
bubbling all over and its searing winds will be raging. Those doomed there for
eternity will have no respite from it and their remorse will never end. The
shackles of Jahannam can never be broken and the people there will have angels
with them who will give them the news that the hospitality they will be shown
will only be boiling water, entry into flaming fires, deprivation from the mercy of
Allaah, separation from friends and a trip to the fire of Jahannam,
0 servants of Allaah! Fear Allaah as a gentle and humble person would fear, who
would flee out of fear and would heed all warnings he is given. Such a person
would be on the lookout, would save himself by fleeing, would carry out good
deeds for the Aakhirah and take his journey's provisions along for assistance.
Allaah suffices a s an avenger (for the oppressed) and One who sees everything.
Allaah's Book will suffice as a plaintiff and adversary (for those who acted against
it) and Jannah will suffice as a reward (for the righteous) while Jahannam will
suffice a s retribution and punishment (for the sinful). I seek Allaah's forgiveness
for myself and for all of you."(Abu Nuaim)
After duly praising Allaah in one of his lectures, Hadhrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu said, "Verily
this world is turning its back around and bidding farewell while the Aakhirah is
arriving and straining its eyes to look. Today (this world) is the time for the race
while tomorrow it will be seen who has gone ahead. Behold! You are passing
through days of hope which are followed by your death. Therefore, whoever is
neglectful (of doing good) during the days of hope before death approaches will
be at a loss. Remember that you should do deeds for Allaah in anticipation for
rewards just a s you would do them when fearing his punishment. I have never
seen a place like Jannah yet its seeker is asleep. I have also not seen a place like
Jahannam, yet the one who ought to be running away from it is also asleep. Take
note of the fact that whoever does not benefit from the truth will still be harmed
by falsehood and the one whom guidance does not put on the straight path will
certainly be led away (from the straight path) by misguidance.
Listen well! You have been instructed to travel (to the Aakhirah) and have been
shown where to find the provisions for the journey. 0 people! *Remember that
this world is a ready commodity that both the righteous and the sinful eat of,
whereas the Aakhirah is true promise when the All Powerful King (Allaah) shall
pass judgement. While Shaytaan threatens you with poverty and instructs you to
do lewd acts, Allaah promises you His forgiveness and grace. Allaah is Most
Accommodating and All Knowing.
0 people! Do good works during your lives and you will be protected in the end.
Allaah has promised Jannah for those who obey Him and promised Jahannam for
those who disobey Him. The screams of the people in the fire of Jahannam never
subsides, the prisoners of Jahannam never escape and those with fractured limbs
never have them heal. Its heat is intense, its depth immense and its drink is pus.
What I fear most for you people is that you follow the dictates of your passions
and that you entertain long hopes of the future. (Deenowri and Ibn Asaakir)
Another narration states that Hadhrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu also added, "...because following one's passions prevents
one from the truth a n d entertaining long hopes makes one forget the
Aakhirah." (Al-Bidaayah Wan Nihayah)