(Hazrat has recited a Hadith Shareef)
This is one statement from Rasoolullah (sallalahu alayhi wasallam) in regard to the differences and disputes and harms we face among each other. This is not a new topic and it is not necessary for a new topic to be lectured because at this time whichever lecture is lectured will be in association with Islam and Deen. And our Deen is from many years ago, so how can the topic be new? So it should not be observed whether or not the topic lectured is new or not new.
Lectures According to the Need But rather it should be observed whether or not the topic is according to needs or not because there is no speciality in a lecture being 'new'. That would be as if a doctor wrote a prescription and propagate that this is such a prescription that never before has it been written in any book nor has any doctor before me prescribed it to anyone. Nobody will accept this. In fact, it will be said that the quality in a prescription rests in the fact that it is in accordance to the prescriptions of the elder experienced doctors. Its compilation has been done by the approval and opinion of a qualified doctor. Otherwise there will be a problem. This is called innovation in Islamic Law. So just as 'new-ness' is not the aim in medical prescriptions, and rather the appropriateness per patient and accordance to the rules and basics of a disease are sought, the same way, in a lecture this should not be noted whether the lecture is new or old. In fact, it should only be observed whether or not it is in accordance to the needs and conditions of the audience.
Those preaching the Truth (Muhaqqiq) always take the needs of the audience and the appropriateness of the event into account whether it is an old or new topic. However, nowadays lectures fall into one of two categories.
The first category is such that it is like a business and means of income (peyshroor) and the aim of these lectures is to make such an affect of the audience that everyone is left amazed; whether or not the topic was necessary or not. For this reason, they hold prestige to new topics and if they do lecture on an old topic, then they will not do justice to the needs of the time. In fact, they will just uptake that topic from which the audience will become overly emotional. For this reason often times the topic of martyrdom is lectured on because it is such a sensitive topic that even the most stiff-hearted person will become tender-hearted from listening. But the Muhaqqiq do not focus on these kinds of things, they always take into consideration the needs of the people present.
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